Program Info

How Do We Help Teachers Engage?

The engagement between teacher and student is the straw that stirs the behavior and performance drink. While poverty and trauma certainly have an effect on student behavior and performance so does the quality of teacher-student engagement. We have observed, documented, and proven that while all teachers engage all students. A teacher’s mindset about gender, poverty, culture, and intelligence often drives the level and quality of engagement with every student.

These mindsets develop implicit biases, implicit biases that we call “Engagement Buts”. This program helps teachers identify their blind spots, or implicit biases so that they can get their “buts” out of the way and engage all students at a high level by adopting the mindset of a Classroom Coach!

How Do We Help Parents Engage?

Parental involvement or engagement is probably one of the most important but underutilized resources in k-12 education today.

Depending on your state, classroom teachers and students can be together 8 hours a day for at least 180 days a year [1440 hours/year] for 12 years. [National Center for educational statistics]. That’s over 17,000 hours in a child’s educational lifetime. Let that sink in. Teachers are not only delivering information to children, it could be said that they are in a coparenting relationship with families. Therefore, it is crazy for us to think that helping children succeed can be done without a healthy home-school partnership.

Our proven three step engagement program Power Parenting U informs, celebrates, and certifies your parents as partners in your district or school.

Every Classroom Coach [teachers] need an assistant coach, we nominate parents!

These mindsets develop implicit biases, implicit biases that we call “Engagement Buts”. This program helps teachers identify their blind spots, or implicit biases so that they can get their “buts” out of the way and engage all students at a high level by adopting the mindset of a Classroom Coach!

How Do We Help Young Men Engage?

In 2014 according to the US Government Accountability Office [GAO] black boys were disproportionately disciplined (e.g., suspensions and expulsions) in K-12 public schools. These disparities were widespread and persisted regardless of the type of disciplinary action, level of school poverty, or type of public school attended.

We also know that one of the main reasons’ teachers leave schools or leave the education profession altogether is because of safety and stress due to behavioral concerns in the classroom.

The Future Man Success Prep Tier II Positive Behavioral and Leadership system utilizes a unique brain-based motivational approach to meet the psychological needs of young men while supporting teachers by helping them build relationships and move from a punitive to positive school culture.